Sing. Play. Edify.

New products in the Grace Music store!

August 29, 2020

The past six months at Grace Music have been totally focused on our upcoming psalter, but today we’re excited to re-launch the Grace Music store! We’ve secured permission to make these arrangements available online. We hope these resources are a help to your music ministry, and we plan to release more in the coming months.

visit the store

Across the Lands – rhythm with string ensemble, solo flute, or solo horn

Before the Throne of God Above – rhythm with brass ensemble or full orchestration

Beneath the Cross of Jesus – piano and rhythm with solo cello or horn

Come, People of the Risen King – rhythm with solo violin and cello or horn

God of Grace – rhythm and solo violin

How Deep the Father’s Love for Us – rhythm and brass ensemble

In Christ Alone – piano, rhythm, solo cello, flute, or violin

O Church Arise – piano, rhythm, solo cello

Salvation’s Song (Loved Before the Dawn of Time) – piano, rhythm, SATB, string ensemble

The Power of the Cross – rhythm and solo violin

We Will Glorify – piano, rhythm, solo violin

Yet Not I, but Through Christ in Me – piano, rhythm, string ensemble, solo flute