Sing. Play. Edify.
About Grace Music
Grace Music is the online face of the music ministry at Grace Immanuel Bible Church, under the leadership of its elders and pastoral staff. We submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ and hold to the inerrancy and authority of his written Word. You can find more about what we believe in our Statement of Faith.

Because we love Christ and his Word, we also love the local church. Grace Music exists to serve the people of Grace Immanuel Bible Church and other like-minded churches by offering resources for corporate worship.

Terms of Use
We’ll regularly post scores, recordings, and other resources as they are available. You’re free to use them in corporate (or private) worship, just please don’t alter them or profit from them in any way. It’s our desire that you would be strengthened in your faith and equipped “for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.”