Sing. Play. Edify.

Book Review: “Worship Matters”

July 11, 2016

bob kauflin worship matters book featured image 323x431

Worship Matters: Leading Other to Encounter the Greatness of God
Bob Kauflin
Crossway, 2008; 304 pages



My review of this book is rather belated, as I’ve been using Bob Kauflin’s book almost since it was first published. I typically buy multiple copies at a time and give them away. It’s required reading of anyone leading music in our ministry, required reading in our seminary, and suggested reading for pretty much everyone else.

Kauflin is an experienced musician and shepherd, and he draws upon decades of experience to write this incredibly helpful book on music leadership in the church. The book is built around his definition of a faithful worship leader:

A faithful worship leader
magnifies the greatness of God in Jesus Christ
through the power of the Holy Spirit
by skillfully combining God’s Word with music
thereby motivating the gathered church
to proclaim the gospel,
to cherish God’s presence,
and to live for God’s glory.

He also deals with the qualifications of a worship leader, relationship dynamics in the ministry, and broad guidelines for maintaining balance.

My only point of disagreement with Kauflin theologically is his use of musical “prophesying” through spontaneous songs. Despite the humble qualifications he offers, I find the descriptor of “prophecy” to be extremely unhelpful and potentially confusing. Words matter. If it’s not Scripturally authoritative, why not simply call it improvisation? This is an isolated point of disagreement, but by no means an insignificant one.

That issue notwithstanding, Kauflin’s book is an outstanding resource not only for those who lead music in the corporate assembly, but for all believers. Highly recommended.

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