[blockquote author=”Matthew 10:8″ link=”” target=”_blank”]Freely you have received; freely give.[/blockquote] As Jesus is sending out the twelve apostles in Matthew 10, he gives them a lengthy series of commands and...
For those of us who lead Sunday worship through singing and playing, it’s easy to grow complacent. Only the Word of God can keep our minds renewed and give us constant sobriety for the ministry to which the Lord has called us. “Without me, you can do...
“If they give you ruled paper, write the other way.” ~ Juan Ramón Jiménez Creativity has its limits. We’re made in the image of God, but that image is still broken and cries out for restoration. Until that ultimate restoration through the reign of Christ, our...
In case you missed them, here are some resources we’ve posted since the last update: New song: “Sovereign Ruler.” Pastor Todd Murray has penned a new song in response to the recent tragedy in Little Rock. The video is posted; lead sheet will...
“Charis-Kairos (Tears of Christ)” – Makoto Fujimura Sunday afternoons for me are a small but valuable window of rest between the morning and evening services. They’re also a time to put in a great deal of thinking — without much...
Our post yesterday had a bad link, sorry! Here’s the corrected post: _____________________________ Our church sings hymns. Lots of them. But what do we mean by a “hymn”? And why are hymns important? You can read about how we define a hymn, and why...