Our VBS program at Grace Immanuel Bible Church this year is titled “Mary Jones and Her Bible.” It’s a true story from early 19th-century Wales. The theme this year will be on the doctrine of the Word of God.
This year we decided to write and record all our music in-house and make the recordings available to parents, students, and helpers.
Here are this year’s songs:
- Theme song: “The Law of the Lord is Perfect (Psalm 19:7-9)
- Hymn: “O Word of God Incarnate”
- 1-3 grade song: “Know This First (2 Peter 1:20-21)”
- 4-6 grade song: “He Who is Humble (Isaiah 66:1-2)”
You can listen to the songs and download the sheet music by clicking on the headphone icon below. Several of the songs are still in demo form; soon we’ll be recording our children’s choir as the primary vocals and including them in our Scripture Sings project.