Words: David P. Regier

Music: Sicilian melody, 18th cent.

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Clap your hands now, all ye people;
Shout to God with joyful cry!
King of earth and King of heaven,

Awesome is the Lord Most High.
Sing His praises, sing His praises,
Lift your voice to God, our King!

He shall humble all the nations
As a footstool for His throne.
His estate in love is given
Graciously unto His own.
Sing His praises, sing His praises,
Lift your voice to God, our King!

God goes forth with shouts ascending,
Trumpets sound before the Lord.
For His reign is never-ending,
Let His songs of praise be heard.
Sing His praises, sing His praises,
Lift your voice to God, our King!

God reigns over every nation,
Seated on His holy throne.
All His people gather, singing
Glory to His name alone.
Sing His praises, sing His praises,
Lift your voice to God, our King!
Words: © 2018 by David P. Regier. Used by permission.
Music: Public domain

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