Words: Adam Carlill

Music: Isaac B. Woodbury, 1850

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Come praise, you servants of the Lord,
give honor to His holy name,
the Lord, for evermore adored,
for all eternity the same.
From east to west, in lands afar,
the Lord is worshipped. Alleluia.

The Lord is high above the earth,
more glorious than the spheres or sky.
The Lord our God, of matchless worth,
establishes His throne on high,
who stoops to view the shooting star,
the earth and mortals. Alleluia.

God lifts the poor from underground,
He raises beggars from the slums.
They live with nobles all around,
and eat their fill, instead of crumbs.
He gives a home to those, who are
alone and childless. Alleluia.
Words: © 2018 Psalms for the Common Era, Adam Carlill. All rights reserved.
Music: Public domain

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