Words: Fred R. Anderson

Music: Traditional French carol, harm. E. Cuthbert Nunn, alt.

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Come, rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous!
For glad praises befit the upright.
Praise the Lord with sound of the lyre,
for the Lord's word and works are upright.
Love, faith, justice are God's own making.
Earth is full of God's steadfast love.

By Your word all the worlds were created;
by Your breath all the hosts were designed.
Seas and rivers You gathered together,
holding their depths within Your keeping.
Your word spoke and they were created.
Let all things stand in awe of God.

Lord, You frustrate the wisdom of nations,
bring the plans of their people to naught.
For Your counsel to all generations
strengthens the heart, is sure forever.
Glad the nation that You have chosen,
blest the people who call You Lord.
Words: © 2016 Fred R. Anderson. Used by permission.
Music: Public domain

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