Words: Dan Kreider

Music: Robert Lowry, 1869

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Give thanks to God, for He is good;
His love endures forever.
In word and song, proclaim His ways,
His power to deliver.
The righteous ones, the pure in heart,
have felt His grace and favor;
their lives are crowned with blessings 'round:
the praises of their Savior.

In desert paths our fathers strayed,
they soon forgot Your kindness;
the eyes of faith that saw You save
grew dim, and turned to blindness.
They sought the sin of foreign gods;
their wickedness abounded;
You broke their hearts and brought them low,
with enemies surrounded.

But when they cried, You pitied them
and saved them in their sadness;
with bonds of love You drew them back
and filled their hearts with gladness.
Rejoice, you saints, in Israel's God,
your finest praises bringing,
for He will lift your weary heads
and fill your mouths with singing!
Words: © Dan Kreider. All rights reserved.
Music: Public domain

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