Words: Adam Carlill

Music: English folk song, 18th cent.

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God, hear my ringing cry and care;
O turn Your ear towards my prayer.
From endless exile, my complaint
will rise to You, when I am faint.

Then You will guide me to Your height,
a rock above and out of sight.
For You have been my place to go,
a stronghold from my hateful foe.

So I will dwell within Your tent,
for years and years with Your consent,
and look for safety, Lord of kings,
beneath the cov'ring of Your wings.

For You, O God, have heard my pledge;
You give to me my home and hedge,
estate of grace, for those who fear
Your holy name, who worship here.

The king will live, and, from Your store,
prolong his days forevermore,
to sit enthroned for years on earth,
as generations come to birth.

May love and truth around him stand,
a royal guard at his right hand.
And as I sing Your holy name,
I pay my vows, each day the same.
Words: © 2018 Psalms for the Common Era, Adam Carlill. All rights reserved.
Music: Public domain

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