Words: Dan Kreider

Music: Dan Kreider

This is a simple congregational response to Philippians 2:1-11.

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1. Have this mind among you, the mind that was in Jesus;
Have this mind among you, the mind that was in Jesus:
though He dwelled in deity,
laid aside His majesty,
came in frail humanity, that we might be His own.

2. Have this mind among you, the mind that was in Jesus;
Have this mind among you, the mind that was in Jesus:
seek the low and humble place;
serve as you've been given grace;
keep your heart from earthly praise, for you've been made His own.

3. Have this song among you, a song of praise to Jesus;
Have this song among you, a song of praise to Jesus:
every knee will bow that day,
every tongue confess and say,
"Praise the high and holy name of Jesus Christ the Lord!"
simple piano, lead, opt. solo horn

Key: C-D

lead sheet

piano score

solo horn

song sheet, half

half sheet doubled

live recording

with solo flute

uses same piano and lead sheet

solo flute part

live recording (9-22-19)

live recording (9-22-19)