Words: Martin Leckebusch

Music: English folk tune

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How good it is to give You thanks:
we honor You, our mighty King!
Your endless love, Your constant care
inspire the praise we gladly bring
in word and music, day and night:
to worship You is our delight.

How glad You make us by Your deeds!
Your thoughts are deep, beyond compare!
The greatness of Your wonders, Lord,
it is our pleasure to declare;
to those who place their trust in You
Your glory shines through all You do.

How many fail to grasp the truth,
or hear Your voice but turn away;
they flourish now, but disregard
the prospect of a judgment day
when righteousness and mercy meet
and signal evil's full defeat.

And yet how gracious is Your call,
for You address us now as friends
and guide our lives on fruitful paths
until, at length our journey ends:
Lord God, how matchless are Your ways!
How right it is to sing Your praise!
Words: © Kevin Mayhew Ltd. Used by permission.
Music: Public domain

These lyrics have been posted on Grace Music with permission from the copyright holder. They may be used in corporate worship in accordance with a valid CCLI license. Lyrics should be displayed unaltered and include author and copyright information. All other uses require permission from the copyright holder.