Words: David P. Regier

Music: William H. Monk, 1861

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I love the Lord because He hears my voice;
He has inclined His ear to hear my cry.
On Him I'll call as long as I shall live;
When death and sorrow overwhelm my life.

I call His name: "O Lord, come save my life!"
Gracious and righteous, He alone consoles.
Helpless was I; He saved me from my strife.
For He is good, come to your rest, my soul.

You, Lord, have saved my wretched soul from death;
You wiped away the tears that stained my eyes.
You kept my feet from stumbling on the ground;
So shall I walk before You all my life.

My heart believed, though my affliction great.
"All men deceive!" I said in my dismay.
How to repay what God has done for me?
Lift up His cup, and call upon His name.

I will fulfill my vows unto the Lord;
Before His people I shall make it plain.
Precious the death of godly saints to Him.
Lord, You have loosed Your servant from his chains.

I offer You a sacrifice of thanks.
Calling Your name, I give to You my word.
Lord, in Your courts, before Your gathered saints,
In Your great city, now, I praise the Lord!
Words: © 2017 by David P. Regier. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Music: Public domain

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