Words: Martin Leckebusch

Music: William Kirkpatrick, 1882

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Lord, I dearly love Your presence
more than words can ever tell;
how I yearn to see the beauty
of the courts in which You dwell.
Even sparrows there find refuge;
there the swallow rears her young;
what a joy to have a home there,
where unending praise is sung.

Happy are the pilgrim people
pressing on to greater things,
finding water in the wasteland,
making it a place of springs;
on they go with mounting vigor
till they stand before Your throne;
God of Jacob, guard Your servants;
make Your lasting kindness known.

In the hearts of all the faithful,
grace and glory are revealed—
lavish gifts You give so freely,
mighty Lord, our Sun and Shield.
Better humble, godly service
than a home where sin holds sway;
better one day in Your presence
than a thousand far away.
Words: © Kevin Mayhew, Ltd. Used by permission.
Music: Public domain

These lyrics have been posted on Grace Music with permission from the copyright holder. They may be used in corporate worship in accordance with a valid CCLI license. Lyrics should be displayed unaltered and include author and copyright information. All other uses require permission from the copyright holder.
rhythm band

Key: G

chord chart

lead sheet

piano score

Live (8-15-21)