Words: St. 1–2 Dale Eiderkin, st. 3–4 Isaac Watts, 1740

Music: Hugh Wilson, c. 1800

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Lord, will You answer when I pray
in my distress and grief?
Your gracious ear has heard my cry;
Your hand has brought relief.

And when I rest my weary head
from sorrows of the day,
my heart is quiet on my bed;
my fears all fade away.

I pay this evening sacrifice;
and, when my work is done,
great God, my faith and hope relies
upon Your grace alone.

So with my thoughts composed in peace,
I’ll give my eyes to sleep;
Your hand in safety keeps my days,
and will my slumber keep.
Words: © 2020 Dale Eiderkin. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Music: Public domain

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