Words: Anonymous, 1829; trans. Edward Caswall, 1849, alt.

Music: English Country Songs, 1893; harm. Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906

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My God, I love You; not because
I hope for heav'n thereby,
nor yet for fear that, loving not,
I might forever die.
But for that You did all for us
upon the cross embrace;
for us did bear the nails and spear,
and manifold disgrace.

And griefs and torments numberless,
and sweat of agony,
and death itself — and all for man
who was Your enemy.
Then why, most loving Jesus Christ,
should I not love You well?
Not for the hope of gaining heav'n,
nor any fear of hell.

Not with the hope of gaining all,
not seeking a reward,
but as You first have loved me,
O ever-lasting Lord!
E'en so I love You, and will love,
and in Your praise will sing,
solely because You are my God,
and my eternal King.