Words: The Psalter, 1912, alt.

Music: Henry Frederick Hemy, 1865

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Not unto us, O Lord of heav'n,
but unto You be glory giv'n.
In love and truth You do fulfill
the counsels of Your sov'reign will;
though nations fail Your pow'r to own,
yet still You reign, and You alone.

The idol gods of heathen lands
are but the work of human hands;
they cannot see, they cannot speak,
their ears are deaf, their hands are weak;
like them shall be all those who hold
to gods of silver and of gold.

So let us trust in God alone,
the Lord whose grace and pow'r are known;
and our complete allegiance yield
to God who is our help and shield.
Join, heav'n and earth, in sweet accord;
sing "Hallelujah, praise the Lord!"
Words: This version © 2020 Grace Immanuel Bible Church
Music: Public domain

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