Words: Jered McKenna

Music: Jered McKenna

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Praise the Lord, all you nations
extol Him, all you peoples,
for great is His love for us.
Praise the Lord—He is faithful;
His love endures forever,
and great is His love for us.

Sing a song of praise to God enthroned on high;
Bow before the King of the angels.
His mercy and His love, His justice will be known;
lift a song of praise to the Lord!

Praise the Lord, all you nations
extol Him, all you peoples,
for great is His love for us.
Praise the Lord—He is faithful;
His love endures forever,
and great is His love for us.

Boldly shout His praise for He has rescued us;
Sin and death no more can enslave us.
His beauty and his pow'r displayed at Calvary,
lift a song of praise to the Lord!

Praise the Lord, all you nations
extol Him, all you peoples,
for great is His love for us.
Praise the Lord—He is faithful;
His love endures forever,
and great is His love for us.
Words and Music: © 2013 Jered McKenna. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

These lyrics have been posted on Grace Music with permission from the copyright holder. They may be used in corporate worship in accordance with a valid CCLI license. Lyrics should be displayed unaltered and include author and copyright information. All other uses require permission from the copyright holder.