Words: Andrew Winey

Music: Ludwig van Beethoven, 1824; adapt. Edward Jodges, 1864

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Praise the Lord, all you who serve Him,
praise the Lord through all your days,
then throughout eternal ages,
for the Lord deserves your praise!
Praise the Lord in every language,
every nation, clan, and tribe;
everywhere the sunlight touches
may His name be glorified!

Praise the Lord's majestic greatness;
no one can compare with Him!
Sov'reign over earth and heaven—
we proclaim His matchless name!
Yes He condescends to help us,
showing mercy to His own,
lifting high the poor and needy,
giving barren ones a home!

Praise the Savior who is worthy,
humble Lamb for sinners slain.
By His blood He sealed our pardon,
so we glorify His name!
People drawn from every nation
bow before the sov'reign Lord;
praise and service let us render
to our King forevermore!
Words: © 2020 Andrew Winey. Used by permission.
Music: Public domain

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