Music: Dan Kreider

This is an original setting of Psalm 148 for SATB, children’s choir (or soloist), guitar, and ad lib percussion.

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Praise the Lord, all people
Praise Him, every voice
Praise Him, all his angels
Praise Him, sing, rejoice!

Praise Him, sun and moon
Praise Him, stars above
Praise Him, highest heavens
Praise Him, earth below

For He commanded and they were created
From everlasting His Word will endure
What He ordains will abide forever
Let His creation sing:

Praise the Lord! (Praise God from whom all blessings flow!)
Praise the Lord! (Praise Him, all creatures here below!)
Praise the Lord! (Praise Him above, all ye heavenly hosts!)
Praise the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

Praise Him, hills and mountains
Mighty, towering trees
Praise Him, snow and wind,
And fire, and hail, and sea!

Praise Him, all that crawl
And fly and swim and sing
Praise Him, all ye rulers
Every prince and king!

Praise Him, ye grown men!
Praise Him, children!
Let them all praise His name!

full choral score

children's choir score

lead sheet

capo chart

live recording (9-15-19)

live recording (9-15-19)