Words: Fred R. Anderson

Music: Hugh Wilson, c. 1800

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Preserve us, Lord, for You are God,
and Refuge is Your name.
Apart from You there is no good,
and life is turned to shame.

But all the false gods of this world,
who tempt us for our praise,
bring sorrow, pain, and Your contempt,
to all who walk their ways.

You give us daily all we need
and look to our distress;
our cup is filled with pleasant things,
as our own lives You bless.

We bless You for Your heart's own thought,
for counsel that is true;
with You the center of our days,
our lives shall not be moved.

Our hearts are glad, our lives rejoice,
in You we dwell secure.
For nothing can destroy our lives;
Your Spirit holds us sure.

You lead us in the path of life,
and bring us joy unknown;
eternal life You've promised all
who claim You for their own.
Words: © 2016 Fred R. Anderson. Used by permission.
Music: Public domain

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