Words: David P. Regier

Music: J. Wyeth’s Repository of Sacred Music, Part II, 1813

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Sing unto the Lord a new song,
Sing to Him, O all the earth!
Bless the name of God forever;
Sing salvation's wondrous worth.
Tell His glory to the nations;
Of His wonders, anthems raise.
He is Lord of all creation,
Great, and greatly to be praised.

Other gods fade as a vapor;
There is none beside the Lord.
In His dwelling, strength, and splendor,
God exalted and adored.
Give Him glory, all ye people;
Give Him glory due His name.
In His temple, as an off'ring,
All His pow'r and might proclaim.

Worship God in holy beauty;
Bow before His throne in fear.
Now proclaim among the nations
His dominion, ever near.
By His word, the earth was founded,
That it never may be moved;
In His word is justice grounded,
That He righteous may be proved.

Let the heavens shout, rejoicing,
And the earth in joy aflame;
Let the sea in thunder praise Him,
Field and forest now acclaim.
For the Lord, the Lord is coming;
Let the earth resound again!
To His people, He is coming
In His righteousness to reign!
Words: © 2017 by David P. Regier. All rights reserved.
Music: Public domain

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