Words: Martin Leckebusch

Music: Traditional English melody

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Sing to the Lord with gratitude and wonder;
in song and story, tell what He has done;
let all the nations be inspired to seek Him,
the mighty God, the Lord, the Righteous One.
His promise came to Abraham and Isaac,
a land in which their family could live;
HIs pledge endures a thousand generations,
a covenant whose riches He delights to give.

Across the years, across the miles they journeyed,
both led and shielded by God's loving hand,
until the scourge of famine struck the nations,
and brought destruction to that promised land.
But even then He marked the path before them
when Joseph entered Egypt as a slave—
a man who rose to prominence and power,
distinguished by the godly counsel which he gave.

So Israel made their home awhile in Egypt;
they grew in numbers and prosperity
till Pharaoh's people dreaded subjugation
and changed their welcome into slavery.
Through Moses, God confronted this injustice,
sent plagues of judgment time and time again,
then by one final blow to Egypt's firstborn,
He set His people free and broke their every chain.

They left captivity with ample plunder,
and through an empty desert they were led;
beneath a fiery cloud they were protected,
and with the bread of angels they were fed.
Sing praise to God, whose promise never falters,
who thrills the hearts of those He makes His friends,
who so enriches all He brings to freedom
that they may learn to live their days as He intends.
Words: © Kevin Mayhew Ltd. Used by permission.
Music: Public domain

These lyrics have been posted on Grace Music with permission from the copyright holder. They may be used in corporate worship in accordance with a valid CCLI license. Lyrics should be displayed unaltered and include author and copyright information. All other uses require permission from the copyright holder.