Words: Adam Carlill

Music: John B. Dykes, 1861

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The one who dwells beneath the shade
of God Almighty, unafraid,
will say to God in all events,
"The Lord Most High is my defense.
Whatever evil may pursue,
my refuge, I will trust in You."

For God will save you from the snare,
from yawning chasm or despair.
Though pestilence or curse pursue,
your God will calm and cover you.
Beneath His wings and holy down,
His truth will shield you all around.

Be not afraid of mighty dread,
or flying arrow overhead,
of terror lurking in the dark,
of battle or the evil mark,
of stalking pestilence by night,
or deadly sickness in the light.

Though thousands and ten thousands die,
and death extinguishes the eye,
though many perish, ills appear,
no plague will touch you or come near.
Yes, you will see the wicked fall
and retribution on them all.

You made the Lord and God Most High
your shelter from the battle cry,
so lurking evil or dissent
will not come near or plague your tent.
Your God commands an angel host,
to guard you from their heavenly post.

They bear you safely in their hand,
preserve your life at My command,
in case you fall and break a bone,
or strike your foot against a stone.
You trample every lion down,
and grind the snake into the ground.

Because in love you cling to Me,
and know My name, I set you free.
Whatever trouble may pursue,
I answer now, and honor you.
Your soul will overflow to praise
in freedom, for eternal days.
Words: © 2018 Psalms for the Common Era, Adam Carlill. All rights reserved.
Music: Public domain

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