Tune: PSALM 52A

Words: Wendell Kimbrough

Music: Wendell Kimbrough

This song reprinted with permission of Wendell Kimbrough. You can visit his page here.

View Lyrics
Why so proud, O man of power,
trusting in your house of wealth?
When the lies on which you're founded
come to light, where'll be your help?

You have paved the path for violence;
you have made the wrong seem right.
You'll be like a tree abandoned,
torn up from the ground to die.

I am like a tree God planted
safe inside His house of love.
I will wait upon His goodness,
praising Him for all He's done.
Words and Music: © 2016 Wendell Kimbrough (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

These lyrics have been posted on Grace Music with permission from the copyright holder. They may be used in corporate worship in accordance with a valid CCLI license. Lyrics should be displayed unaltered and include author and copyright information. All other uses require permission from the copyright holder.