Words: Martin Leckebusch

Music: Melchior Vulpius, 1609, alt.

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Your favor rested on this land
and brought Your people mercy, Lord;
the richness of Your grace was seen
in countless broken lives restored.
For holy wrath was held at bay,
while sin and guilt were swept away.

But Your rebuke now weighs us down;
will You be angry evermore?
Deliver us from all our sin,
revive us as You did before.
In Your unfailing love, renew
the joy Your people find in You.

With ears attentive to Your voice
and spirit hushed in rev'rent fear,
we come to seek Your saving touch,
the word of peace we need to hear.
As we renounce our foolish past,
Lord, make Your glory known at last.

May righteousness and peace unite,
and justice yield to tenderness;
may loyal hearts be our response
to heaven's gift of holiness.
Lord, fill our lives and flood our land
with all Your gracious love has planned.
Words: © Kevin Mayhew Ltd. Used by permission.
Music: Public domain

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