Words: The Psalter, 1912, alt.

Music: Henry Smart, 1867

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Zion, founded on the mountains,
God, your Maker, loves you well;
chosen from among the nations,
He delights with you to dwell.
God's abiding, God's abiding,
who can all your glory tell?

Heathen lands and heathen people
soon shall come, the Lord to know;
nations born again in Zion
shall the Lord's salvation show;
God Almighty, God Almighty
shall on Zion strength bestow.

When the Lord shall count the nations,
sons and daughters He shall see,
born to endless life in Zion,
and their songs of praise shall be,
"Blessed Zion, blessed Zion,
source of hope, and joy, and peace!"
Words: This version © 2020 Grace Immanuel Bible Church
Music: Public domain

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